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Give Online Now

In addition to traditional giving (mail, offering plate), Grace now offers two other forms of digital giving:

1. Online: Click HERE
2. Text message: Just text the $ amount of your gift to 84321 start a contribution. The first time you’ll have to enter your contact info and set up a payment method. By default, gifts go to tithes-offerings. But you can also add the word building to direct your gift to the Building Fund or mercy for the Deacon’s Fund.

Digital giving is safe, simple and fast!  First time use requires a little extra time to enter your contact info and payment method, but you’ll only need to do this once, and future donations can take only 10 – 20 seconds. Both methods can even be used in a church service as the offering is taken and are easier and faster than writing a check.

Questions about giving

  • Is online givine secure?
  • Are there any fees involved?
  • Can I schedule a recurring donation?
  • What if I want to cancel or change my recurring gift?
  • Can I designate my gift for specific purposes?
  • Will I receive a contribution statement/summary?
  • What about when the offering plate is passed in church?
  • Who do I talk to if I have more questions?