Assistant to the Pastor for Visitation

Dr. Jonathan Seda

(302)734-8150 ext. 700

The former Senior Pastor of Grace since 1983, Jonathan has received degrees from Houghton College, Biblical Theological Seminary, and Covenant Theological Seminary. Serving on the Boards of Covenant Seminary, Young Life and Mosaix Global Network, Jonathan’s passion is for multi-ethnic, cross-cultural worship and ministry, not only at Grace Church, but also throughout his denomination and beyond.  He has taught on the subject of worship in Mexico, Kenya, and Ghana, and is involved in the leadership and teaching ministry of Mosaix Global Network, a multi-ethnic, cross-cultural movement.  Married to his wife Dale since 1975, he has four children and seven grandchildren. Jonathan retired from full time ministry in fall of 2020.

Contact Dr. Jonathan Seda