Change is Gonna Come

The governor’s most recent modification to the state of emergency has loosened some restrictions for churches and businesses. The social distance has changed from 6 feet to 3 feet and the capacity limits are now lifted. What this means is that we can have more seats available for people. So, with the Pastoral Staff and the Session’s approval, the Reopening Task Team will not require registrations and seat assignments for the 30th of May’s worship service and thereafter.

You will still need to register for the worship service on May 23rd, and seating will be assigned, but the number of reservations will be higher. On the 23rd, most of the chairs will be back in the sanctuary in a configuration of 4,6,6,4, from wall to wall with an aisle between the sections. This is much like the setup before COVID hit. The rows of chairs will be 3 ½ ft apart with an empty chair between members of different households. Because of this, whether you are an individual or a large family, you will need to let the ushers seat you. The ushers will take on a role like a host in the restaurant, managing the seating space during the service.

Now some might ask, “Why not lift the registrations now? Why take an extra week?” That is a good question. We are anticipating that after a year of being distanced, with only a 1/3 of the people attending, with nearly double that amount of people coming, the feeling of closeness will take some getting used to. Add to that, having the ushers seating people and families will also take some adjustment.

The governor made these changes because more and more people are getting vaccinated. More than 55 percent of Delawareans 16 and older have received at least one shot. As the number of vaccinated people rises, the more restrictions are loosened.

Thank you for your patience during these days of testing. COVID-19 has been a trial and continues to test our patience and unity. However, continue to pray for our church! So, that through the power of God’s Spirit, and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ sustaining us, we will overcome.