Jon Eide, Mission to the World Ukraine Country Director, shared this story that happened a couple of days ago, “I received a remarkable phone call this morning. There is a couple in our church in Kyiv who wanted to get married—today. They were looking for someone in our denomination who could conduct a wedding service on zoom from a bomb shelter. The guy was going to serve in the military, and she was moving toward evacuation. They wanted to get married before both of those things happened.”
It is hard to imagine such circumstances being the impetus for getting married earlier rather than later! If you are like me, sitting at home while the Ukrainians are suffering the ravages of war, you feel like you want to help somehow. What can we do?
Mission to the World, (MTW), missionaries and members of the 15 partner churches of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ukraine are working to provide aid and resources to the believers and the displaced who have fled their homes in eastern Ukraine. They are seeking to provide food, shelter, clothing, and other essentials to those in need.
We can help our brothers and sisters in Ukraine by gathering an offering to send through MTW. March 6-13 we will collect an offering, beyond our regular tithes, for the refugees. You can give by check on Sunday, adding to the memo line, Deacons/MTW, or you can give online via this link indicating this is for the Deacons/MTW. The Deacons will also add to whatever amount is given. We will then report to you how much money was raised.
As you pray for protection for the Lord’s people in the Ukraine, pray for this newlywed couple to survive the war and have a family. Who knows, when all is done, they might praise God for your gifts that supported them as he serves in the military and she evacuates? Proverbs 11:24 says, “One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.” May the Lord work in us and them for His glory.