Our church continues into the next phase of our staff transition in hiring more full and part time staff. The first step in this phase is the hiring of a director/pastor of worship and youth as pastors Rakes and Barr retire in the coming months. Since this position is not for an associate pastor, the process is simpler and will be overseen by the Session rather than a congregational search committee. The Session has given responsibility to the pastoral staff to oversee the process of the search with the help of an advisory panel consisting of Faye Wheeler, Bruce McFall, Karen Philips, Sue Brown, Emily Haller, John Haller, and Hugh Hamilton. Though we are still in the midst of a pandemic and it is not an ideal season for transition, we trust that the Lord will provide the right person to continue the work he is doing in our church. We ask that you join us in praying for the following: ·
- That God will lead the right person to find our church.
- That God will guide our leaders to know his will and promptly find the person that he has called for our church.
- That we would be steadfast and patient throughout the process, and trust in the Lord.
If you have any questions about the search, please contact Joshua Suh.