Sermon by Joshua Suh, Senior Pastor, from Leviticus 19:17-18 & Matthew 5:23-24. This is the last part of our series on Worship. Worship of God is fundamental to healthy relationships and community. Jesus, in a very practical way, shows us that worship of God is tied to our relationships when he tells is disciples to first be reconciled with a brother before offering gifts at the altar. That is, if we desire to worship God then the prerequisite is that we are constantly being reconciled with our fellow man. This is not a new concept, but a command that stems from the Old Testament laws. This means that the way I treat other people is a reflection of what I know about the Lord. Furthermore, if worship is the centerpiece of our community, then worship should instruct us to practice righteousness, justice, mercy, and reconciliation, so that through our lives God calls people from every language, tribe, and nation to worship Him.