Sermon by Kenny Foster, Senior Pastor, from Deuteronomy 13:6-11 & Mark 10:28-31
This Sunday we are coming back to our series on the gospel and human sexuality; how the gospel is good news for the sexually broken. Those who struggle with their sexual brokenness also struggle with loneliness. Those who are seeking to follow Jesus and yet struggle with same-sex attraction often, in the words of our denomination’s ad interim report on human sexuality, “have found limited support and encouragement in their desire to follow Christ.” In representing the gospel that claims a new birth to all whom God wills to be his children, the church must be a community that seeks to be family even to the sexually broken. But how does this happen? Christ says that anyone who leaves his family for his sake and the gospel is to find manifold family members in this life and in the age to come. But how? That is the question this sermon seeks to answer.