From Every Nation Under Heaven

Jonathan Seda

May 31, 2020


Today is Pentecost Sunday and it celebrates the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, by the ascended Christ, upon his church.  It celebrates the launching of the world-wide-reign of Jesus Christ to unite people from every ethnicity in the worship of God.  On the day of Pentecost, the Spirit of God enables the disciples to speak in other languages.  People from “every nation under heaven” hear them declaring the wonders of God in their own languages.  The mission of Christ for his church is to declare the wonder of the gospel to all peoples, gathering them together as one, for the worship of God.  That is our mission at Grace Church.  “Our mission is to  love and serve our community and world with the good news of Jesus Christ, bringing people together across the lines of race and class to worship and follow Jesus.”