God Raised Him… and Made Him to Appear

Kenny Foster

January 8, 2023


Sermon by Kenny Foster, Senior Pastor, from Isaiah 42:1-9 & Acts 10:34-43
This sermon’s focus is on the Epiphany of Jesus Christ which holds a lot of instruction for the nations and the Church. Christ’s appearing is the will of God going forward since God raised him from the dead and made him to appear. It is for the nations to understand the supreme position that God has given to his Son. It is for the Church to understand what they are witnesses of and how they are to promote that witness. Jesus’ epiphany is for every person, regardless of their ethnicity, to know what God intends to do with the sins of all who believe through his name. Because of Jesus’ epiphany, the nations have hope for unity, the church has the means to fight ethnic pride and tribalism, and the guilt of sin is removed, and the Scripture is fulfilled.