God Works in You

Kenny Foster

September 27, 2020


“God Works in You”

Psalm 25:1-9 &Philippians 2:1-13

Our Scripture reading this week reminds us that God is at work in us to accomplish his good purpose. Both the Psalm and Paul’s letter to the Philippians remind us that the good God works to do good in us and in the world. What is God’s goodness? How is this goodness shown? What does his goodness produce? 

The goodness of God is his ability to act towards us, not according to our sins, but according to his love. (Psalm 25:6-7) The goodness of God is shown in the example of Christ. This goodness produces in us a mind like Christ’s. His mind pursues unity through humble service for the glory of God. So as his church, unity, and humble service for the glory of God, demonstrates that God is at work in us. 

If you struggle to know that God is good, and we all do, you need only to turn to Christ to see how good God really is. Christ didn’t pursue his own rights, but gave up equality with God to become a slave. As a slave he was obedient even to an unjust death on a cross. He died in our place, becoming our salvation, so that we could enjoy the love of God. God’s goodness united us to Christ. We work out this salvation, that the goodness of God provides, as we pursue unity in humble service towards God and one another. Since his purpose is to make us like Christ, God remembers us according to his love, instructs us in his ways, and guides us in what is right. The power to live the lives of love flows from the goodness of God at work in us.