My Whole Being Rejoices

Kenny Foster

April 16, 2023


Sermon by Kenny Foster, Senior Pastor, from Psalm 16 & I Peter 1:3-9.
What causes your heart to be glad and makes your whole being rejoice? Satisfaction in this life is inexorably tied to the next life. In other words, there is no lasting happiness in this life if you are not certain about the life that is to come. The Christian is the one who can be completely satisfied, i.e. whole being type joy, because he or she is resting in the living hope provided through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This sermon will show us the preservation of the good amid a plurality of pretend saviors, with the Lord as your portion, leading to the path of pleasure forevermore. You will be glad to know that the reason for joy isn’t an inanimate object. What causes the whole being to rejoice isn’t some thing, but it is Someone who has risen from the dead and promises to all whose faith is in him that they will live even thought they die.