Stay Awake At All Times

Joshua Suh

November 28, 2021


Sermon by Joshua Suh, Associate Pastor, from Jeremiah 33:14-16 & Luke 21:25-36. This week begins the season of Advent. Advent has to do with the coming of the Lord. The Lord’s coming is filled with a sense of dread and chaos. So, what is the believer to do, since waiting for the Lord’s return can be difficult? Jesus instructs the believers to stay awake at all times. How are we to stay awake? This is ultimately a question about one’s belief in the return of Christ. If you believe who Jesus really is, the Messiah, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, then to stand before him is the goal of your heart. Jesus tells us how to do just that when he instructs us to raise our heads, look at the fig tree, and stay awake at all times. For Jesus is here, and he is coming. Jesus’ word is more sure than the heavens and the earth. Jesus provides strength to escape and stand before the Son of Man. This is the good news of the gospel of grace. So we pray, “Even so come, Lord Jesus!”