Last Sunday’s sermon in the series on generosity taught us that, “All things come from you [The Lord] and of your own have we given you.” (I Chronicles 29:14b). This is demonstrated for us in this week’s devotional reading when the Lord has need of the colt of a man while on his way to Jerusalem. The colt is the man’s property but, “The Lord has need of it” so the man gives this gift to the King. This sermon will teach us that if the Lord doesn’t have need of anything we’ve got, then whatever we’ve got isn’t going to do us any good. But if whatever we’ve got, if the Lord has need of it, then to give it will do us the most good. This is the nature of generosity to the Lord. The gospel demonstrates this as King Jesus uses the colt’s owner’s generosity to ride into Jerusalem, fulfilling Scripture, and bringing salvation to the world. Our generosity is a participation in the work of heaven and earth becoming one. Do you want your generosity to generate joy? It is only as we remember that all that we have is all given by the Lord, and things serve us best when we serve the Lord with what we have.