The season of Advent challenges us to see the world through the eyes of heaven. Advent reminds us that heaven came down and it is coming to remain with us permanently. What happens to us when heaven and earth come together? Can divinity join together with humanity? In Mary’s Magnificat we have divinity literally becoming one with humanity. Mary can’t help but sing! When divinity joins with humanity the first thing that happens we get magnification and mindfulness. When divinity and humanity come together we discover mercy and might in one person. When divinity and humanity merge you find mitigation and memory brings healing. There is great profundity in the lessons from the unity between divinity and humanity! And these are all taught to us by a girl who received the grace that God bestowed on her. During the season of Advent, how will you respond to the grace of the divine being one of us and being one with us forever? This girl, Mary, she can teach us a few things!