
There’s something for everyone at Grace Church! And as the Lord joins together our unique gifts, abilities, experiences, we can make a difference both inside and outside the walls of church.  Your ministry will lead to transformation in the lives of others as well as in your own life, as you draw closer to the Lord through serving Him.

Check out the abundance of opportunities described below. Which team(s) would you consider trying? Which sound like they might be right for you? Let us know with this form (hyperlinked), and we’ll work with you to find your ministry niche.   


Welcome Team
Help welcome congregation and guests on Sunday mornings as a greeter, usher, coffee bar attendant, livestream host, etc.
Worship Support
Help with flowers, communion prep, banners, chancel guild, acolytes, etc.
Play an instrument? Sing? Be part of our worship team. choir, worship team, worship band or orchestral ensemble.
AV Team
Have an eye for video or ear for sound? Good with tech? Computers? Consider helping with sound, projectors, cameras for our services and events.


Touch of Grace
Facilitate the family at Grace in caring for one another in times of special need through providing meals, etc.
Embrace Ministry*
Help individuals affected by disabilities and their families participate more fully in church life and community.
Compassionate Visitation
Encourage and serve the needs of our elderly and homebound members. 
Christmas Store
Help with setup and staffing for this annual event to help low-income families obtain gifts for loved ones at affordable prices.
Use your training or experience in the medical field to encourage good health for our attendees and community.
Other Mercy Ministries
Serve material needs in our church family and community through our food pantry, providing transportation, financial counseling, etc.

Learning and Community

Special Events
Help create fun fellowship opportunities for the church family such as dinners, camping, fall hayride, Advent wreath workshop, and more.
Children’s Ministry
Love and serve our kids in Christ (ages infant through elementary school).
Click for more info.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Join the army of planners, teachers, assistants, decorators, storytellers, photographers, food servers, game leaders, etc. needed for this annual mega event.
Youth Ministry
Help Junior High and Senior High youth grow in their faith, serve God and have fun all the while. Click for more info.
Women’s Ministry
Help women grow in Christ through Scripture and through building relationships with one another. Click for more info.
Men’s Ministry
Help provide growth, fellowship and fun opportunities for the men of the church. 
Christian Education
Help with the spiritual growth of the congregation through using gifts and abilities for teaching, facilitating small groups, hospitality, administration. 
Marriage Mentoring
Assist with pre-marital counseling; help married couples build or renew good relational skills.


Building and Grounds
Help with various maintenance, repairs, improvement projects.
Media/Communications Team
Work with our website, social media, photography, videography, and more to help keep our congregation and community current on what’s available at Grace.
Office Help
Be one of the “many hands” who make “light work” through copying, preparing mailings, stuffing mailboxes, etc.
Something Else?
Interested in serving in an area not listed? Let us know here
