Building & Grounds Porte Cochère Project

In our Spring Building and Grounds Report, we stated that it was our intent to have the Porte Cochère project completed in July and August while Sunday School was not in session. Unfortunately, our contractor was not able to get his City of Dover Building Permit in June as planned, because the City had to decide whether or not they should require us to add a fire suppression system to our Porte-cochere design. Even after we agreed to install the system, the permit still took another month for approval and we lost our summer construction window. Construction will now start and our contractor is committed to finish the project within the specified contract time frame of 90 days. It does mean, however, that we will need to be inconvenienced by the ongoing construction during this fall but, with other access points we should be able to cope with the disruption. The north building doors will not be available when construction is active and materials will need to be stored on the east side of the north parking lot near the gym.

The approved bid for the project of $133,591 will also now need to increase in order to add the fire suppression system, but we still believe we have the necessary funding to complete all work. The Building and Grounds Committee is very appreciative of all of you in the congregation who have faithfully contributed to the Building Fund over the past 4 years to allow this next project in our Master Plan to go forward. Jay Pearson from the Building and Grounds Committee will serve as our on-site Project Manager for the construction and Mike Arthur, our Facility Manager, will manage the overall funding needs for the project.

Questions on this project can be directed to Mike Arthur (Facility Manager) or any of our committee members; Holly Pfeifer, John Tullis, Jay Pearson, Robert Jones, Dave Brown, Fred Janssen, Bill Spady, James Markoya and Ray Harbeson (Chair). Thank you all for your patience.