This year we are going to have a Neighborhood Party on the church grounds. We will have activities, bouncy houses, music, face painting, health screening, bike repairing, and much more. And since it is Hispanic Heritage Month, we will be roasting a couple of pigs. The date for this is September 16, 2023, and the time is from 3-6 PM.
Volunteers are needed from serving food, manning tables to helping clean up after the party. You can give help with donations for the party. We need to raise about $1500.00 help offset the costs of the party. It will also help with the purchase of the pigs, one $200.00 grocery card, and a two $50.00 gas cards, and a couple of new bicycles for boys and girls. (If you give through the church offering, just write “Neighborhood Party” in the memo line of the check. Monetary donations will be accepted up to September 11.) These will be given away during a drawing. We also need donations of chips, drinks, and water. There are lots of other details that will be seen in the signups. You will be able to do that using the button below or using the Connect Card. But plan to take part in the celebration and the mobilization!
We also plan to pass out flyers in the Hamlet, Fox Hall, and other communities in the afternoon of September 10. If you live in these any of the neighborhoods, you can take and distribute flyers. Small groups and Journey Groups, Young Adults, everyone is needed to help get the word out. And during the celebration don’t forget to have fun yourself with your family and friends.