In case you missed it, last Sunday’s congregational meeting’s results are in. The vote to designate the Session as the pulpit committee for moving Associate Pastor Suh to the Senior Pastor and Senior Pastor Foster to Associate Pastor passed. Also, in a near unanimous vote, the congregation voted in the affirmative to petition the Presbytery to move Associate Pastor Joshua Suh to the role of Senior Pastor. Give thanks to the Lord for all outcomes are the revelation of his will. Praise him!
What’s next?
The next thing is to carry the recommendation to the Presbytery for its approval. This will most likely happen at the November meeting of Heritage Presbytery. While we are waiting for that, there will be another congregational meeting that involves voting to change the call of Senior Pastor Kenny Foster to being Associate Pastor. (The date for said congregational meeting is to be determined.) This will also be presented to the Presbytery, hopefully during the November meeting. Following the Presbytery’s approval, then there will be an installation service for Pastor Suh taking place sometime in January.
So, please continue to pray, with thanksgiving and joy, that Jesus is glorified. For in all of these transitions, we are reminded that Grace Church belongs to the Lord, and he accomplishes his will, his way, for his glory and our good.