Because God Is Love

Kenny Foster

April 28, 2024


Sermon by Kenny Foster, Associate Pastor, from Psalm 22:25-31 & I John 4:7-2. There are a lot of apps and algorithms that seek to help people find love. But, part of the problem that people have with finding love is that they are not able to define what love is. Defining love these days is tough. Modern people use the word love to define their feelings about someone or something. I love my parents. I love pizza. I love my new drill set. But is the love for parents to be compared to pizza or power tools? Yet this is the modern dilemma of defining love. The word is used without a distinctive definition in each context. Is there a love that really matters? That is the question that this sermon is addressing. Because God is love we can define love only in relationship to him. The Bible shows us that because God is love, we know love’s source, we know love’s salvation, and we know how love serves. This tells us that to find love you have to know that love has found you and has revealed itself to you in the Lord Jesus Christ. We celebrate the Eucharist because God is love and he has made it manifest in Jesus Christ’s giving himself to be the propitiation for our sins. What will happen to you if your definition of love begins with God and his love?