Sermon by Kenny Foster, Senior Pastor, from Psalm 78:9-22 & John 17:1-3
Each week during the season of Lent we are looking at a different question that people commonly have about prayer. A common question is “Who can know God?” or “How do you know what God will do?” Both of these questions are answered through our experience with God in prayer. The question of God spreading a table in the desert is ultimately a question of knowing God. Jesus, as he begins what would be his last prayer before his death on the cross, tells us that the essence of eternal life is knowing God and Jesus Christ, whom God has sent. The irony of how eternal life and knowing God is revealed to us during a prayer should not be lost on us! For we are living in deserts. The desert of a pandemic. The desert of racial division. A desert of political gamesmanship that seeks to leverage our suffering to maintain power. A desert of conflicting individual desires that clouds our ability to know God as a community. A desert of disappointing leaders. Yet, can God provide a table in these deserts? God wants us to know him. Prayer is essential to knowing God. Knowing God is eternal life. And God has prepared a table for us in the desert in the Table of our Lord. For it is during the Lord’s Supper Jesus brings the bread and water of heaven to our hungry, thirsty souls. During the Lord’s Supper we pray to remember the deliverance that brought us to God while we pray looking forward to the Lord’s return. God in the desert with us makes the desert bloom. So, through Jesus Christ, God has made it possible to know him. Therefore, if you want to live forever, you should pray to know God and Jesus Christ.