I See the Heavens Opened

Kenny Foster

May 7, 2023


Sermon by Kenny Foster, Senior Pastor, from Psalm 31:1-5 & Acts 7:55-60.
This Sunday as we continue to celebrate our Lord’s resurrection we are confronted with the story of Stephen, the first Christian martyr. His death is a turning point in the history of the Church. They’ve gone from enjoying favor with God and men, to being killed at the hands of those who refuse to believe the way that God has opened the heavens through Jesus Christ. Stephen preached a deadly message that was full of life! When we see the heavens opened we find the beauty our souls long for, the refuge our sinful self needs, and the place where your spirit can be committed.  This sermon is a call for Christians to see how Jesus, risen from the dead, has opened heaven, given us grace, aiding us in our witness, even though the violent would bear us away.