I Will Pour Out My Spirit

Kenny Foster

May 23, 2021


Sermon by Kenny Foster, Senior Pastor, from Ezekiel 37:1-4 & Acts 2:1-21
This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost. Pentecost is the time when the Spirit of God is poured out upon all flesh. Notwithstanding the typical divisions of ethnicity, culture and language, gender and class, the Spirit of God is poured out upon all flesh. This pouring out of the Spirit produces a new community in the world with an uncommon unity. The unity is uncommon because it brings together something long dead…human community that is in harmony with God and each other. Pentecost is the reversal of Babel where men sought to be united and reach the heavens, but without God. The Spirit of God interrupts the flow of human history, bringing the knowledge of God into the world through the gospel of Jesus Christ, making alive a people for himself from every nation, tribe, language, gender and class.
How does this square in a time when there are calls for unity, but at the same time everything about us is used to divide us? From the color of our skin, to the suffering and pain of a pandemic. Things about us are used to divide us. How does the church navigate these stormy seas?
This sermon will help us to know what is the Spirit’s work. How we can know that he is at work in us. And why Christians should honor it above everything else. The Spirit of Christ is the One who gives us an un-common unity. Even though in our times there are those who would seek to “reach the heavens” with a pseudo-unity that is devoid of the Spirit of God, yet Christ’s ascension and his pouring out the Spirit upon all flesh calls us to new life and a unity that resists going back to the valley of dry bones, where there is the appearance of life, but no breath. Breath On Us, Spirit of God!