Sermon by Kenny Foster, Senior Pastor from Psalm 130 & 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
We are living in a day when it seems a popular thing to say that one has had enough of being a Christian. Being a Christian has never been easy. From the beginning Christians have been the target of governments, the object of scorn by competing religions, derided by the general populace as narrow. But becoming discouraged in being a Christian is ultimately a question of the truth about where your heart rests. In a time when so much cultural pressure is put upon you to find your own truth, or look within yourself for your eternal bliss, how do you keep faith in Christ that does not lose heart?
This sermon will equip us in knowing how to avoid giving up. To not lose heart, we must evaluate pain and glory, see past the temporary to the eternal, and trust the Architect of your future home. The Apostle Paul and the Psalmist call us to not let present circumstances, no matter how dire they appear, cause you to look to other things or people for deliverance. If you think you’ve had enough of being a Christian, you have to ask if you’ve had enough of Christ. You can’t have too much of Christ since plentiful redemption is found only in the Lord. (Psalm 130:7)