What We Proclaim Is Not Ourselves

Kenny Foster

February 11, 2024


Sermon by Kenny Foster, Associate Pastor, Psalm 50:1-6 & 2 Corinthians 4:3-6
In the calendar of the Church, this Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday. It is the Sunday in which we recall how the Lord was transfigured before the disciples. During that transfiguration, the glory of Christ was revealed. The glory of Jesus is unveiled as the good news of the gospel is proclaimed. Now, one would think that the glory of Christ would be obvious, but too often it is obscured. The reason it is obscured is because the carriers of this glorious message too often have their own agendas. They are seeking their own glory. This obscures the glory of Christ for believers and unbelievers alike. How do we stay out of the way so that we aren’t obscuring Christ’s glory? Paul says it is in what we proclaim. If what we proclaim is not ourselves, we are then submitting to the glory of Christ. This means that Christ’s transfiguration must first happen in our hearts before we can start to give the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. After all on the Mount of Transfiguration, the voice from heaven summoned the disciples, saying, “This is my beloved Son; listen to him.” (Mark 9:7)