What Can This Girl Teach Me?

Kenny Foster

December 13, 2020


Kenny Foster, Senior Pastor, from Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-11 & Luke 1:46-55
Over the last several years, on the second Sunday of December we have had an evening service that focuses on the “blueness” of Christmas. That is a service where we acknowledge the sadness that accompanies the Christmas season. It is both acknowledging the grief of life and turning to the One whose coming was to bind up the brokenhearted. Too often we forget that Christ’s coming met us in our pain. So, we dare not try to mask our hurts. That would be to deny the reason for the Lord’s coming!
Interestingly enough, it is the Lord’s own mother who has something to teach us about dealing with grief, mourning, sorrow and oppression.

This sermon’s focus is on what we can learn from the young virgin mother of God. She can teach us about magnifying the Lord because he is mindful. She can teach us about mercy and might. She can teach us about memory and mitigation. All things that the Lord has done.

How do you handle the many grievous things that have happened this year? How do you handle the pain of the past that you’ve been living under? What can this girl teach you? She can teach you what the Lord is doing and what he will do when he comes again. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.